DataFlex Web Service
DataFlex Web Service. An anagram is a word or phrase formed by reordering the letters of another word or phrase, such as satin to stain. This web service shows functions to test your knowledge about anagrams. There are functions to test if a word is an anagram, how many words are stored etc. Anagrams can be stored in multiple languages. Have fun!
The following operations are available. For a formal definition, please review the
Service Description.
Get a list of languages (id, name and current number of anagrams) stored in the system
Get a word that is part of a set of anagrams by passing the word length and languageid.
Randomly get a list of stored anagram words by passing language id and word length. If you pass an empty string for language the random word is language independent. If you pass a zero as length the length compare is not used.
Test your knowledge. Pass an anagram word, a language id and an array of words to verify. Gets a result set back that contains the number of correct and incorrect words you gave, the solutions stored which you can compare to the number you've passed and per passed anagram word if it was correct or incorrect
Returns the number of anagram words stored in the system
Number of anagram words per language. Pass a valid languageid. For a list of languages use the Languages web service function or add one if your language is missing.
Add a language to the system, returns added status in a struct. The struct contains True when the language was added, False when there was an error. An explanation text tells what went wrong.
Check if the words could be anagrams. Does not store the words, you need to use AddAnagram for that.
Add an anagram word pair to the system. Returns a struct with the status of the whole operation. One ore both words may exist. Combinations are created with earlier stored words.
Makes a list of all stored anagram words. Pass TRUE if you want to see only one branch for all word combinations
Get a distinct array of word lengths, you can use one of the values for another service call when iCharacters is possible as argument.
Returns the Copyrights of this webservice